About us
When you donate to St John’s, you’re helping us to make a significant and meaningful difference to older people with financial, social, emotional or health needs. Your gift will enable us to:
- Provide an opportunity for those living with dementia and their carers to meet fortnightly at our free Memory Wellbeing Centre, a relaxed, supportive, and informative forum hosted by our Admiral Nurses and Dementia Support Worker.
- Support older people in Winchester to lead full and independent lives within our welcoming and safe almshouse community.
- Create a place of repose and reflection for all those in Winchester at our Memory Well and Southside Garden, offering a tranquil and peaceful setting to remember loved ones past and present.
- Prioritise quality of life, wellbeing, and choice for local older people through our Hand in Hand signposting and befriending service.
- Facilitate multi-generational living through our Homeshare programme, connecting older householders and younger sharers through mutually beneficial and secure arrangements.
Did you know?
- Nearly 2,000 individuals are estimated to be living with dementia in Winchester with 64% of carers reporting no or not enough support to manage the changes to physical and psychological health, relationships, and lifestyle. Our free Dementia Support service, led by two resident dementia specialist Admiral Nurses and a Dementia Support Worker, provides a lifeline for those facing a dementia diagnosis.
- As a proud member of the almshouse movement, we are governed by a mandate to provide subsidised social housing for rent to those of limited financial means who are over the age of 60. Recent research has shown the longevity of those who move into an almshouse can be boosted by as much as two and a half years (on average this is equivalent to an extra 15% of future life).
- With an army of local volunteers, we’re making a difference assisting older people with befriending and signposting through our Hand-in-Hand service. Our team enables scheme members to get out and about, make lasting friendships, remain independent, become more tech-savvy, feel financially secure, and most importantly, can guide them towards information or people to ensure they are safer in their homes and community.
- 96% of Homeshare householders report feeling less lonely whilst 86% said they feel happier. We take the time to carefully match householders and homesharers based on understanding the needs and abilities of each, leading to flexible, bespoke agreements which benefit everyone involved.
In recent years, the cost of providing these critical services has increased exponentially, a problem compounded by the repercussions of the global pandemic and resulting uncertain economic climate. At the same time, more people than ever now rely on our care and support to live well. We must therefore reach out to our community to help us answer every call for help.
We want to thank you for your generous support of our work. Every donation, no matter the size, will make a difference. If you’d like to discuss further gift opportunities, or simply find out more about what St John’s does, email Maddie Cowell, Head of Fundraising, at [email protected].